Recipe: Spanish Coffee


Tom’s Oyster Bar bartender Frank Saponare has whipped up over 100,000 Spanish Coffees in his 20-plus years at the Royal Oak spot. With a potent mix of booze, coffee, and whipped cream, it will perk you right up — and then you’ll want a siesta. Try this at home (but maybe not after you’ve had one).

Orange juice
Cinnamon-sugar mix (25 percent cinnamon, 75 percent sugar – youonly need enough to coat the rim of a glass)
¼ ounce Cointreau
1 ¼ ounce Tia Maria
½ ounce Christian Brothers Brandy
Coffee (they use medium roast Cadillac Coffee)

Use orange juice to rim the top of the glass with the cinnamon sugar.
Add Cointreau and (carefully!) light to caramelize the cinnamon-sugar rimwhile rotating the glass.

Allow the flame to extinguish itself by setting the glass down.

Add the Tia Maria and brandy.

Fill glass with coffee but be sure to leave room for house-made whipped cream.