We’ve Got Mail…

Praise us or pan us, but just put it down in words

For the People, By the People

Your 20th anniversary (May 2016) was your best issue of all! Obvious attention to content made it so. Two items in particular: an article about U.P. monks and the Stroh family memoir write-up.— Kathy Kupelian via hourdetroit.com

Hits and Misses By a ‘Mile’

Congratulations on “Mile by Mile” (April 2016). Being 78 and a lifetime Detroiter, I’ve seen a lot (and) been sad a lot, and am now encouraged by the new developments. This article encompasses so much it is astounding. You can’t mention everything, but missed two friends — the florists at Floral Gardens on Seven Mile and authentic African garb at Sterose International Boutique on West McNichols. I’m happy to see more of Detroit, not just the suburbs, being featured.— Lois Wheeler, Detroit

Pure Midtown

(The) answer to the question of whether Detroiters will develop pride from (the) Pure Michigan Detroit commercial (May 2016) is “No.” It’s about 7 square miles of the city and minimizes the presence of African-Americans. I live in a middle-class neighborhood two blocks south of Eight Mile. You know, the area “locals” warned the Canadian couple to avoid. It reminds me of Caribbean tourist ads. Happy Caucasians being served by smiling brown natives. Until they start advertising about all of the positive areas of Detroit, Pure Michigan can keep their “comeback.”— Terry Crawford via hourdetroit.com

Hitting the Roof

About the coolest thing I’ve ever heard of! (“Rooftop Retreat,” May 2016) Bravo and congratulations. These folks are reintroducing Detroit to the world with different eyes.— Julia Hofley via hourdetroit.com

Good Looking Out

Instant tears reading this story (“The Missing, Linked,” May 2016)…heartbreaking and encouraging at same time — Emily T. Gail via hourdetroit.com

Not a Tonnage of Mistakes, But …

Our May “Model Citizen” story on shipbuilder Keith M. Steffke mistakenly attributed Great Lakes Engineering Works for building half the tonnage on the Great Lakes, as well as the Bob-lo steamer, Columbia. Combined Detroit and Downriver shipbuilders were responsible for the tonnage. And the Detroit Shipbuilding Company built the Columbia. Interested in replica models? Contact Steffke at .