I Like Ike

Photography Courtesy of the Walter P. Reuther Library, Wayne State University


“I like Ike” was the campaign slogan of Dwight D. Eisenhower (nicknamed Ike) and, judging by this downtown crowd on Woodward Avenue in front of Hudson’s, many Detroiters concurred, as the Republican presidential candidate waves with both hands to the masses.

A World War II hero, Eisenhower cruised to victory in November over his opponent, Illinois Gov. Adlai Stevenson II who, despite his coruscating wit and gift for oratory, was deemed by many Americans to be too much of an egghead. Eisenhower’s triumph ended 20 years of Democratic control of the White House. On this sunny afternoon (Flag Day, June 14), Eisenhower delivered a speech in front of Old City Hall. Michigan was a red state in ’52, with Eisenhower garnering more votes than Stevenson.

In 1956, Ike ran for a second term, trouncing Stevenson more soundly than in ’52, and Michigan again went Republican. Eisenhower died in 1969.